Sontse PV ALPHA: Introducing an Ambitious Photovoltaic Project in the Pachnas Community!

Sontse PV ALPHA: Introducing an Ambitious Photovoltaic Project in the Pachnas Community!

Yesterday marked a significant milestone as our team unveiled our solar power project “SONTSE PV ALPHA” to the local community. The total capacity of the station is 4.48 MW.

The primary goal of the comprehensive research was to identify potential positive and negative impacts on the environment, public health, and the overall well-being of the community.

The results of the environmental impact assessment paint an optimistic picture. The anticipated construction and operational activities are expected to have minimal and controlled impacts on the environment. Furthermore, there is a promising silver lining: a significant reduction in dependence on traditional energy sources and a noteworthy decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.



Construction and operation are planned to be completed by July 2024. The project timeline is as ambitious as its goals.
During the meeting, potential challenges were discussed with local residents, and understanding was reached.
We remain steadfast in our commitment to implementing all necessary measures to limit and mitigate potential negative environmental impacts.

Together, we illuminate the path to a brighter and more sustainable future.


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+357 9998 8730
Meet us: Arch. Makariou III 1, office M01, 2324, Lakatamia, Nicosia, Cyprus